Attaining Universal Health Coverage in the WHO African Region
272 Seiten, Detmold 2021, ISBN 978-3-89918-285-9, 79,90 Euro
The WHO work, currently, is guided by its triple billion targets, namely; Target: 1 billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage without financial hardship; Target: 1 billion more people better protected from health emergencies; and Target: 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being.
As we pursue these targets, the collective knowledge, insight and experiences of all are needed to answer the questions we do not have answers to, and to identify new questions to be answered.
The young scientists constitute an important segment of our stakeholders and they are known for bringing fresh angles and perspectives to debates. With funding from the Hideyo Noguchi African Prize, instituted by the Japanese government, to recognize excellence in medical service in Africa, the African Advisory Committee on Health Research and Development (AACHRD) facilitated young scientists to develop their ideas on achieving Universal Health Coverage in the African Region.
This book thus results from the efforts of WHO APublic HealthFRO in engaging young scientists on ways of attaining health targets in the region.