Attaining Universal Health Coverage in the WHO African Region
272 Seiten, Detmold 2021, ISBN 978-3-89918-285-9, 79,90 Euro
The WHO work, currently, is guided by its triple billion targets, namely; Target: 1 billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage without financial hardship; Target: 1 billion more people better protected from health emergencies; and Target: 1 billion more people enjoying better health and well-being.
As we pursue these targets, the collective knowledge, insight and experiences of all are needed to answer the questions we do not have answers to, and to identify new questions to be answered. (mehr …)
Decision Making in the Public Sector
Lage 2020, 152 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-89918-272-8, 21 Euro
Decision-making in public and nonprofit management – international contributions.
Decision-making is the choice of an action from several existing alternatives, taking into account overarching goals. It always depends on individual goals and conditions. Goals can be financial and material goals. Prerequisites are mainly material requirements and legal restrictions. Decision-making processes have been intensively studied in the practice and theory of business management. (mehr …)
Competent handling of psychological illness and stress at the workplace
Occupational Social Work in Germany
167 Seiten, Lage 2017, 978-3-89918-256-9, 22 Euro
Psychological illness and stress at the workplace have increased. Support for people concerned as well as their relatives, colleagues, executives and leaders in various organizations is offered by Occupational Social Work (OSW). Other terms are Occupational Social Counseling, Health Counseling or Employee Assistance Program. In Germany OSW concludes a psychosocial care gap on the background of lacking ambulatory psychotherapeutical provision and saves costs for the health care system and rehabilitation system. It provides reactive AND preventive adequate expert assistance for the benefit of all involved parties.
The book describes historical developments and depicts empirically insights in the given context for Germany in relation to Austria and Slovakia. Inter alia assets and drawbacks of internal and external social counseling are illuminated on a research base. Therefore the book is knowledgeable basis for social workers, occupational physicians and psychologists, work safety staff as well as personnel and works councils. At the same time, it provides decision-making support for the economic AND socially responsible management of the company.
A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals (2nd edition)
Volume II
Health Investigation:
Analysis – Planning – Evaluation
Editors: Genc Burazeri and Lijana Zaletel Kragelj
Assistant editor: Kreshnik Petrela and Herion Muja
Lage 2013, 579 p., ISBN 978-3-89918-807-3, free of charge
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Modern Teaching – Distance Learning
A Guide to online and blended Learning with Case Studies from Public Health
Produced by the Working Group on Innovation and Good Practice in Public Health Education – ASPHER in cooperation with ASPHER members
Brussels, 2013
Lage 2013, 105 p., ISBN ISBN 978-3-89918-219-4, 19,90 Euro
Visceral Leishmaniasis in Albania
A handbook for infectious disease specialists and public health professionals
Pipero, Pellumb
Lage 2012, ISBN 978-3-89918-205-7, 224 p., 24,90 Euro
Management in Health Care Practice
A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals
Editors: Kovacic, Luka; Zatetel-Kragelj, Lijana
Lage 2008, ISBN 978-3-89918-175-3, 672 p., 39,90 Euro
Health Systems and their Evidence Based Development
A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals
Editors: Bjegovic, Vesna; Donev, Donco; Dikanovic, Bosiljka
Cooperation: Laaser, Ulrich; Kovacic, Luka
Lage 2005, ISBN 978-3-89918-123-4, 580 p., 34,90 Euro
Introduction to Health Sciences, Public Health, and Health Promotion
Hyrje në Shkencat e Shëndetit, Shëndetin Publik, dhe Promocionin Shëndetësor
Roshi, Enver; Burazeri, Genc; Miho, Vasil; Laaser, Ulrich
Lage 2004, ISBN 978-3-89918-139-5, 122 p., 34,90 Euro
AIDS, Culture and Body Politics in Pakistan
Zakar, Muhammad
Lage 2004, ISBN 978-3-89918-134-0, 170 p., 35,90 Euro
Basic Principles and Methods of Epidemiologic Inquiry
Parimet dhe Metodat Baze te Kerkimit Epidemiologjik
Roshi, Enver; Burazeri, Genc; Elezi, Nevzat
Lage 2004, 978-3-89918-122-7, 262 p., 34,90 Euro
Research Methods in Public Health /Metodologjia e Kerkimit Shkencor ne Shendet Publik
A „Starter“ for Ambitious Researchers /Nje Aperitiv per Studjuesit „Ambicioze“
Burazeri, Genc; Roshi, Enver; Tavanxhi, Nertila
Lage 2002, ISBN 978-3-89918-102-9, 200 p., 24,90 Euro
The Reconstruction of Public Health Training in South Eastern Europe
Editors: Laaser, Ulrich; Kovacic, Luka
Lage 2001, ISBN 978-3-932136-81-8, 75 p., 19,90 Euro
Modern Teaching – Distance Learning
A Guide to online and blended Learning with Case Studies from Public Health
Produced by the Working Group on Innovation and Good Practice in Public Health Education – ASPHER in cooperation with ASPHER members
Brussels, 2013
Lage 2013, 105 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-89918-219-4, 19,90 Euro
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A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers and Health Professionals (2nd edition)
Volume I
Systems – Lifestyle – Policies
Editors: Genc Burazeri and Lijana Zaletel Kragelj
Assistant editor: Kreshnik Petrela
Lage 2013, 455 p., ISBN 978-3-89918-806-6, free of charge
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